Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 24 September 2013

This and that...

Well will you just look at the date…
In twelve weeks or so it will be Christmas Eve all over again.
Now that’s a scary though It was very foggy this morning and the haze seems to have lingers all day. When I went up to the 12th floor for my coffee this morning you wouldn’t have known what floor you were was like being in the middle of a cloud.

One of our grandees arrived in France a week ago to begin a student exchange. What an incredibly exciting time she will have. OK there will be a bit of culture shock and she will no doubt suffer a bit of homesickness, but wow. The experience will change her perception of the world and give her such a boost in self-confidence. You go granddaughter, make the most of your time.

What have Team New Zealand been doing I ask you , first it looked like it was a certainty…now…well…Ok so they only have to win one race, but that does seem to be a huge mission.
Not sure if I can bear to watch the races tonight

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