Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 11 September 2013

contains 'bloody violence and foul language...oh and a bit of humour too.

Well here I am writing this on the train on the way home at almost 2100 hours
and where have The Man and I been?
Do you really want to know?
OK I know you are
so I'll tell you.
Him and me have been to the movies.
Ask me what we have been to see, go on ask..

The man and I went to see Riddick.
An action packed shootem up sci fi movie.
A bit of a cross between alien and space balls.
Yes really.
A comedy in an action movie, starring one of my faves, Vin Diesel.
Yes I admit it I am a fan of the muscle bound bald headed guy.

Across the aisle form me is a young woman who sounds as though she is on fast forward, she is speaking so fast and like every other word is well know like..
Give me strength.
She has verbal diarrhoea and I don't think there is a cure for that.
Now her friend has managed to get a word in, and she is off again.
The two of them have gotten off, thank goodness and the young ginger haired man across from me caught my eye and grinned shaking his head, the whole carriage must feel as though it has gone deaf.

So back to action man
the animation was incredible. You would have thought that his four legged friend was real, the fur, and the ears.
There's a scene early on in the piece when his mutty mate does what any doggy does when its senses alert it to something, it twitches it ears in the direction of the sound and stands to attention.
Yes you guessed right, canine companion twitches its long and eccentrically shaped ears forward. Seen in silhouette it made the whole theatre laugh.
Well I did say it was an action comedy.
Well yes there were some fairly gorey graphic scenes, but I was expecting them
After all the censor warning at the beginning did say it was suitable for 15 year olds and over and contained 'bloody violence and foul language.
Were we disappointed?
No we were not
Both The Man and I thought it was an excellent nights entertainment. now to go home and have a nice hot cuppa before bed.

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