Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 5 September 2013

Flying free...

Back home in NZ our Taranaki family has undergone quite a the last day.
You might well ask why so.
I think a posting from their social media page might just put you in the picture.
Not long home after driving my biggest girl to the airport to let her spread her wings and begin her adventure to France What an amazing thing, watching her go through the gates knowing she will be joining a new family, living a life away from home, learning and doing new things and coming into her own. I miss you so much already daughter and am so proud of how you have actualised your dreams and goals. Fly high my sweet, six months will go so fast, and so slow at the same time.
It is never easy to let our children go out into the world by themselves. We want to hold them close and keep them safe, but smothering them is not an option. They would never reach their full potential that way.
Our role as parents is to nurture them until they are ready to fly.

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