Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 29 September 2013

Keep looking at the sky...

The Man and I had a very late night, well early morning actually. It was going on one o’clock this morning before we turned off the computer and went to bed.
No we weren’t playing games..
We started out watching a Meryl Streep movie, more about that in a mo. A few minutes in and after checking a new message on my phone we had a lovely Skype chat with one of our families back home in New Zealand. It was really great to hear their voices and to hear how things are with them and the family. Unfortunately the connection wasn’t good enough for a video call
…oh well can’t win em all.

So the movie, well it had as I said Meryl Streep  was one of the stars and the other was Tommy Lee Jones, Steve Carell was in it too. The movie was entertaining and thought provoking too and I think that just about every married couple should see it.
Meryl Streep is an a amazing chameleon of an actor don’t you think…

This morning The Man worked his magic in the kitchen and whipped up his speciality, bacon, eggs, mushies and toast and very nice it was too. 

So it was well fed and watered that we wandered down to the local station and caught the train. Switching at Canada Water and then Canary Wharf we soon joined the crowds at Greenwich.
Yes I know we have been here before, but the exhibition we went to before has been replaced by another up at the Royal Observatory. You can see the overall winner at

 This winning picture, taken by an Australian, was a New Zealand sky-scape of an area where The Man and I have done a lot of fishing and a lot of stargazing too.

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