Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Different sort of day

Ask me what sort of a day I have had
Go on ask me.

Oh all right then I’ll tell you.

I’ve had a very interesting and educational day at a nursing education event.

I always expect to lean something at such an event and today I was not disappointed.
I’m particularly interest in the subjects of cholesterol and asthma management, well that’s because The Man and I are affected by both of these, separately rather than collectively. 

OK so I have a vested interest in those two, and I did learn a few new facts,
I have to say that the majority of the speakers were great, informative and entertaining as well.

A lot of different manufacturers and distributors were represented as well as a few agencies and staff recruitment agents not that I am looking,
For work.

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