Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 16 September 2013

Westward Ho. Day one....

The alarm went off at its usual time this morning and it was everything as usual for The Man and me..
That is until Canada Water. Usually I get off there and The Man continues on.
This morning we both got off and wouldn't you know it the Jubilee was running behind. Never mind half an hour later we were trundling our little suitcases towards Victoria Coach Station, there to catch the 0830 to Southampton. First the coach had to get out of London, that took us almost an hour. The forecast said rain and we did get a few spots but nothing to be concerned about.
But wait as they say there's more... 

At Southampton were collected by our Just Go coach to be driven towards Torquay.
If you've read the blog before you might remember that we came here last Christmas.
But we aren't retracing our steps...well not much.

The driver pointed out this and that, including Lord Blandford's Stag five legged stag standing proudly atop a gate arch. Yes I said five legged...seems that initially when the lord of the manor viewed the stag from his favourite window, port in hand of course, he could only see three of the critters legs. So he did what any eccentric lord would do he had another one added, just so the view looked better for him at least.

The driver announced that we would have a rest stop in Dorchester where we stretched our legs. We couldn't resist popping into an old church, its interior filled with organ music from a hidden musician practising. We stopped for coffee and mediocre coffee cake in a café called the Oak Room. The story goes that back in 1685 it was the court room of Judge Jeffreys of the 'Bloody Assizes' fame. And no I don't know what that is either...
We were impressed by the age of the building if not by the fare.

Back on the road and soon we were oooing and ahhing over the cutesy village of Chideoak with its thatched cottages. Insurance on these building must be crippling.

Pretty soon the coach was pulling into our hotel in Babbicomb which is just a stones throw from Torquay.

Time for tea and we are promised a nights entertainment.

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