Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 6 September 2013

Just a little local news

OMG here’s another one
Another what I hear you ask….
Yet another Friday.

There was a huge, and I really do mean huge nose to tail on one of the motorways here in the UK. It involved at least a hundred vehicles. Yes honestly that number is not a typo.
And the reason?
Fog. Yes you read right fog.
So would you run full tilt when you couldn’t see where you were going.
Of course not. Neither would I. But that is exactly what these stupid motorists did in appalling conditions.
Fortunately there were no fatalities, just lots and lots of walking wounded

There are some pretty odd shaped building here in the capital.. One nearing completion is causing a few headaches, more like a few blisters actually

The developers behind a skyscraper blamed for starting fires and causing damage by reflecting the sun’s rays have said they will erect a temporary scaffold screen in an attempt to stop the “phenomenon”. The developers behind a skyscraper blamed for starting fires and causing damage by reflecting the sun’s rays have said they will erect a temporary scaffold screen in an attempt to stop the “phenomenon”.

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