Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 15 September 2013

A bit of this and that

OMG did you see that?
Why the very close call Emirates Team New Zealand almost had their big black boat over. With one hull so very high out of the water, The Man and I held our breath….and…phew …both hulls back in the water. It was a costly event though as Oracle powered past and took the race. 

 Then race two was terminated about half way in due to strong winds.
The Man and I are looking forward to todays racing.
Go team New Zealand…

It was a nice sunny start to our day today and we were off to Bromley for a bit of shopping. I much prefer going to Bromely than to Croydon.The mall there is a much nicer place to shop.
The bus seemed to take ages to get there on what seemed to be a very convoluted route, so it was just as well there wasn’t a lot of traffic around.

In The mall we had a wander about window shopping until we came to Marks and Sparks which is where I wanted to shop.
Trousers and unmentionable purchased  we completed our window shopping and that’s when I spotted these lovely cakes. Not sure about the blue icing, but the mermaid looked good…what do you think…

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