Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 27 September 2013

Fancy a bit of shopping at he supermarket....

Yes… I am going to say it again, cover your ears if you don’t want to hear me say TGIF
The weeks are whizzing by and in a couple of days it will be October
Haven’t a clue what we are going to do tomorrow, not that we want to get into anything too strenuous, so Mr Google what’s on in London this weekend.

Now here’s something different you might have been able to purchase at your local   supermarket

For those not in the UK Tesco is a very large supermarket chain

Tesco today withdrew an inflatable “gay best friend” figure from sale and apologised for the “offensive” doll.
The figure, labelled “The Inflatable g*y Best Friend”, was pitched on the retail giant’s website as being suitable for children aged three to four, and referred to as an “amusing gift”. Tesco  said the product, pictured, also stocked by Amazon, should have been removed from its site two months ago.
It comes a day after the supermarket was forced to remove a Halloween costume called “Psycho Ward” amid criticism.
Ben Summerskill, head of gay rights charity Stonewall, said stocking the inflatable item was “like trying to sell ice to Eskimos”. He said: “We can’t imagine why any woman would choose to buy an inflatable gay best friend when there are two million of the real thing already available in modern Britain.”
A Tesco spokesman apologised, adding: “This product was uploaded to the website by a third party seller but was removed from sale immediately because we found it offensive."
The description of the product, which had censored the word gay from its product title, said: "If SEX in the City and Will & Grace taught us anything, it's that g*y best friends are in this season.
"We've had the manbag, we've had leg warmers and iPhone fever, now it's time for the new craze.

….I don’t thinks so Tim

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