Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 14 September 2013

Just a few lines

I think I spoke,  or at least wrote too soon yesterday about the 13th not being unlucky for me.
I spent several hours online today at my favourite genealogy site creating a tree so that I could put together the information about those halls on the war memorial at Crowland.

When I compared it to my ‘tree’ I realised that the facts just didn’t match up

All may not be lost though and I will stash away the info for future reference.

Oh that didn’t sound very nice I’ve just herd on the radio are make of the Dinah Ross classic ‘Stop in The Name of Love’ and what was wrong with it…well you might ask.
It was sung sooooo slowly sounded like it was a dirge rather than a great song.

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