Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 21 September 2013

Good news....

One thing you do not want to bring back from holiday is a cold
That’s something I don’t want to give any house room to at all, so be off with you darn bug and go lurk somewhere else.

The Man and I have had a nice quiet day just pottering.
In the small pile of mail that was waiting for use was a card from the post office saying that a letter that had to be signed for was waiting at the local depot to be collected.
And was it something we were waiting for?
Well if you’ve read any of the previous posts you might be aware that The Man has had issues with his visa,
Short version if you haven’t a clue what I’m writing about is that his application for indefinite leave to remain was applied for late, which meant that instead of being able to just hand it in over a counter the thing had to be posted away.
Not only that my passport and other personally valuable documents had to go with it.
And posted away it was.
The Man had an acknowledgement letter dated November saying that the border agency aimed to have 95% of all applications processed within six months.
Well even by my dodgy maths we are now considerably passed that.
And was it what he was waiting for.
Oh yes.
So for all those months we were kept hanging, not knowing if he would be given his matching orders or not.
The envelope contained all out precious paperwork, but hang on a mo…
The important visa stamp isn’t in his passport…
His electronic visa will come separately, within ten working days we are told.

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