Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 31 July 2013

The nerve of some people

Can you believe the arrogance of some people?

The block of flats The Man and I live in is supervised by a warden.
That’s because it is a retirement property.

I know, I know it is surprising to learn that we are both over 60. Yes that is the criteria to be able to live where we do
Anyway on with the story…
Quite a while ago a new resident moved in, unlike us he had bought his unit, whereas we rent.  Thence began much banging and crashing and replacing plumbing, putting down a wooden floor and all manner of renovations.
His flat is right next door to the wardens flat, goodness knows how she put up with all the comings and goings and noise, but very nice lady that she is we heard no one word of complaint from her 

OK, I’m getting to the point…

There was a residents meeting recently, sort of an AGM and this bloke gets up and says that he thinks the building doesn’t need a full l time manager. Did I mention that she has been doing a marvelous job for the last 25 years, since the building opened?

Anyway, on with the story.

Well this new resident is recording her comings and goings, and generally making a nuisance of himself.
Not only that, as his kitchen backs directly on to hers, every time she makes the slightest sound, even running her tap he copies it and does the self-same thing. 

That sounds a bit like victimisation to me.
Our warden is feeling very unsettled and threatened by this blokes behaviour.
I think he’s trying to do her out of a job and have it for himself.
Nasty piece of work.

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