Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 25 July 2013

Good news and less good news

On Tuesday I wrote about trying to locate a couple of friends we had lost touch with.
I posted an enquiry on a genealogy web site, one of the members located a likely name and an email , and what was in my  inbox today when I turned on the computer?
Yup you guessed it, an email from them. And how serendipitous is that…
They are moving back to Oz within the next couple of weeks.

Talking or at least writing about genealogy I have decided to give my Harvey research another going over.

OK I know I said that I was going to put it to bed and concentrate on other lines. But something keeps drawing me back.
So today I looked at the 1901 census where I see my grandfather as a ten year old. I trolled through the entire section that he was in and came across two other Harvey families.

You might ask what is the point of starting over?
Well the experts say when faced with the proverbial brick wall go back and check every single detail.
And that is what I am going to do.

A couple of days ago we had an email from the people who look after our property back home in NZ. Seems the hot water cylinder dumped its entire contents all over the floor. 

Ah, it never rains but it pours doesn’t it. We have just about recovered from having the place a painted, and now this. On the plus side in tonight’s emails was one from the insurance assessor saying that there has been no structure damage.
What is it that they say about clouds having silver linings, well maybe not a cloud, but it certainly must have seemed like a cloudburst to the tenants

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