Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 22 July 2013

And the news today is...

Earthquake Update.
The Man and I have been keeping a close eye on the news from home and so far there have been no new biggies. There have though been a swarm of smaller ones. All our family and friends back home are OK, but understandably a little nervous.

We have also read about another quake, this time in china where the death toll from  6.6 magnitude has reached 54  It’s a good thing that back home building have been built to withstand quakes for a very long time now. Not sure if that is so in China.

You would think that there was no other news in the world apart from Kate going into early Labour. 

It has been all over the TV knows all day.

The journalists were so desperate to create news that they even resorted to interviewing each other.
When I was a very little girl, my mantes and I thought it would be amazing to be a princess. And do I still think that? No I do not. Goodness me you wouldn’t be able to sneeze, scratch your bum something with your finger when cutlery is available.

Have only just heard, there is a new royal baby in the world.
Kate and William have a son

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