Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 18 July 2013

Hot stuff...

Last night was another very warm one, but The Man and I made it through by leaving all the windows in the flat open, as well as the door between the hall and the lounge. Said door is immediately next to our bedroom door.
Give me a mo and I’ll explain the significance. 

For me to get a good night’s sleep I need the bedroom to be dark.
Yes, alright, my secret weakness’ is out. I’m light phobic. Well the bright stuff wakes me up.

So, if I leave the hall door open the light streetlights from the window above the sink reflects off the side of white wardrobe and disturbs my sleep. Same goes if the bedroom curtains aren't well and truly closed.
Yes I know it’s pathetic, but there you are, that’s me.

My answer is to wear a sleeping mask.
Perfect solution. 

The Man? Well he could sleep with the sun shining directly into his face.

I have had an excellent day today.
Really, today was one of those days when I thought  to myself  ‘This is why I do what I do’  I really love my job.

Can’t tell you much of the details but suffice it to say it was a challenge and had to do with blood and urine (in that order)The outcome was one very grateful and relieved client.
Doc’s comment as we left for the day was ‘ wasn’t it great to be doing real medicine’

Thoroughly agreed with her

Roll on tomorrow

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