Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 4 July 2013

A bit of this and that...

Happy American Independence Day.

I had an email today from the chappie with the tick.
All is well with him, and he has now parted company with the critter and given it a watery send-off down the loo.

This morning on my way around Canary Wharf I spotted a mummy , ok it could have been a daddy, grebe. She/he was floating quietly, head resting on its back, how do they do that, alongside the walkway. Nothing exciting about that I hear you say. Well this particular parent bird was accompanied by a small flotilla of three fairly large babies. Unfortunately they didn’t stay still long enough for me to get my phone out. This pic will give you a idea of how big the babies I saw were.

Speaking of phones, recently a shopper complained because a supermarket checkout operator refused to serve her because she was talking n her phone. Said supermarket responded by saying that this was not a company policy and the checkout operator had to apologise

My support would go to the checkout operator, wouldn’t yours.
 Mean how rude is that. 

People are much to attached to their phones. It’s as if the world would stop if they didn’t check the phone several times a minute.
Ok if you have an urgent call to make step out of the queue and stop holding up the rest of the shoppers.
What do you think…
 On our way home on the train tonight  we watched this picture emerge from the pencil of a creative fellow traveller.

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