Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 19 July 2013

Another Friday

Yes indeed it is yet another Friday.

And it’s been another very warm day but Buckys is still very very chilly, The Man and I went there this evening for our usual ‘on the way home toffee stop’  A few steps inside the store and we turned on our heels and left. Much too chilly in there even for a hot day.

There is a large plaza area in Number One Canada  Square and there have been some interesting sculptures on display there this week. What do you think of them?

As some of you might know The man and I are great beleivers in always having plan b and even plan C.
I say this well in reality I write this because we were hoping to book ourselves a holiday with a company that we have used before. I rang yesterday and asked one of the sales team if The Man and I would need our passports which are still with the border office….and have been for more than 6 months now… Sales assistant said that she was pretty sure that we didn’t.
Not that I misbelieved her, but I emailed the FCO  and they said that we do. So there we go, or at least don’t go.
On to plan B which is a trip to… oh nearly gave the game away there didn’t I?

Nah, I’m not going to tell you where we are planning to go, you will just have to be patient

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