Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 29 July 2013

Interesting days

Back home in New Zealand it has been an interesting day for our son.
His biggest sister dropped him at the airport in the wee small hours and by now he will be well on his way to our side of the world via Sydney and Dubai. It will be great to see him.

I meant to write a bit more about our visit to Croydon on Saturday.
We went there by bus, and when we were almost there we heard the sounds of an approaching siren, well more that one by the sound of it.
Then as we watched, one, two, three, four, five, six, then seven police vans full of officers screamed past. 

Hmm we thought that does not look good.
Well at least they had turned left while we continued straight on.

When we got off at Croydon there were little clusters policemen everywhere we looked.
That definitely doesn’t look good.
So we approached one of the uniformed men and asked it we would be better off turning around and retracing our steps.
‘No’ he said ‘You’ll be fine we were just here for a protest tht was on earlier, but that’s all cleared now.’
Two people were arrested at a demonstration by right-wing group the English Volunteer Force (EVF) yesterday. The group were protesting outside the UK Border Agency's Lunar House headquarters in Wellesley Road, Croydon. The EVF are campaigning against what they call 'Islamification and mass immigration' affecting the UK. They have welcomed 'all patriots' to join an event, which has already been targeted for a counter-march by Unite Against Fascism.

Also once inside the museum and we’d had a wander around and a look at the artifacts we sat down and watched several old silent movies. I was sure I could hear the music to them insider my head.
They were short films locally made and all with a very similar theme.
The main villain of the piece causes offense to another character.
This second character gives chase. In his efforts to run away the villain trips over somebody knocking their parcels flying, that second person joins in the chase.
This scenario is repeated until there are up to six to seven people chasing the villain.
Said villain is ultimately caught, beat up and sent on his way

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