Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 5 July 2013

Friday thoughts...

What a magic day, well magic evening actually.
The day was OK, and outside the weather was nice but those of us who worked didn’t get to appreciate it much.

As he usually does The Man came to meet me after work, he’s great like that.
Not only did he come to meet me this evening, he brought our tea with him.
We had a short stop of at Starbucks, my favourite coffee shop, then frappuccinos in hand we wandered back out into the warm even air and found ourselves a seat.

The Man and I spent a pleasant half an hour people watching while we ate.

Canary Wharf was buzzing, the commercial building that reach up into the sky spilled their beautiful people out into the warm evening. They gathered themselves into small and large groups. Chatting loudly each trying to make themselves heard over  the noisy throng. Dark suited traders loosened ties and shed their jackets, while long legged and long haired mini skirted lovelies balanced somewhat precariously on platform soled high heels.

The Man and I left them to it plead to be able to  escape the noise for the quiet of our small flat.

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