Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Colourful language...

What a scorcher of a night.
The temperature in our lounge first thing this morning was 27degrees. In our bedroom it felt a whole lot warmer.
It certainly made for uncomfortable sleeping conditions and it feels like it will be the same tonight.

Our fridge ‘pinks’ when it has to work a bit hard, and it’s pinking away like mad this evening.

Pink is a funny word isn’t it, well I think it is.
It can be a noun or a verb or an adjective!
It has so many meaning
Don’t believe me?

How’s this then

There’s the colour pink. OK that was a bit obvious wasn’t it.
Then there’s the little carnation type plant call a ‘pink’
I have a pair of ‘pinking’ shears in my sewing box in the lock up back home in NZ.
And there is a sound called a ‘pink
It is also a type of sailing ship.

OK the last one I didn’t know, but it is true.

I’m on a roll now.

You can be ‘in the pink’
Be called a ‘pinkie’ if you had communist leanings.
Hold out your ‘pinkie’ (little finger) if you are trying to be posh when drinking your favourite tea or coffee.
There is an eye condition known as ‘pink eye’.
Hangovers can be accompanied by pink elephants

Oh, and one more thing

pink in Afrikaans is ligroos, pienk
pink in Dutch is roze, rozig, rose, rooskleurig
pink in German is rosa
pink in Italian is rosa
pink in Norwegian is rosa, rosa
pink in Portuguese is cor-de-rosa
pink in Spanish is rosado

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