Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 26 July 2013

yes....but is it art...

Yup it is indeed another end of working week day. 
Not only that it is still sunny….goodness me it really must be summer after all.
I had a really nice lunch with a friend, someone I used to work with at Canary Wharf and who ha moved on. It was great to catch up with her. We sat outside in the sunshine. They had a bit of bad luck at Christmas time. One of their much loved moggies up and vanished on Christmas day.Despite searching and advertising he hasn’t shown up.

Him and me have been thinking about what to do tomorrow, and yes we do have a plan. First off setting the alarm clock for an early wake up call, then if the weather is grotty and it is rumored to be just  that plan B will swing into action…and you will just have to wait for tomorrows blog to see how it turned out.

I check out ‘Stuff; most days and was slightly bemused to read that his picture which is a drawing of a piece of paper has won a prize of $20,000. Can you believe it.

I was gobsmacked by the comments of the judge, see for yourself

Art prize judge Heather Galbraith was looking for a drawing with "an intensity and an energy that gripped the viewer and would not let you out of its clutches until you surrendered yourself to giving it time".
The one she chose is a piece of folded paper - for which Auckland artist Monique Jansen wins $20,000.
Even the man who put up the money - Wellington hotelier and arts patron Chris Parkin - admits he was slightly surprised by Jansen's win, but says he is "absolutely delighted" with the piece.  

"This work has visual punch, sucks you into a vortex of marks where you can get lost for some time," Galbraith said.
"The intricacy and character of the individual marks hits you second, by which time you develop some concern for whether the artist suffers from RSI, but the overall effect of the work is cohesive. The technique does not dominate the work; the process - while integral - does not render the work clinical."

Now I ask you, did you get lost witin th pictures, were you sucked into a vortex?
More like the so called artist is laughing all the way to the bank for ‘sucking in’ the judge…

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