Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 6 July 2013

Fun in Farnham

OMG is that really the sun shining out there?
Yes I do believe it is.

It wasn’t long before The Man and I were out the door and down to the train station and on our way to Waterloo. 

After a bit of a diversion because somewhere down the line there had been a signal failure we were soon buying out tickets to go to Farnham.
While we waited we got chatting to an old chap working outside the information booth. He’d worked for the railways for his enter working life, since he was 16. 

You should have seen us he said, us boys weren’t allowed onto the platforms because we were too young. One of the cargo that came through the station at night was boxes of live chicks. He told us that one of his mates would take a chick home each night. He would up with about 200 and would bring the eggs in for his mates. Another time a group of them got their hands on some detonators. If there was a problem on the track these detonators would be laid  so that their explosion would alert the following train of danger. One night the lads got onto the tracks ahead of one of the trains so that when it set out the next morning the detonation stopped the train.

Tickets in hand we hopped aboard the train and were on or way.
Farnham is a pretty Georgian town with a population of about 38,000.
A short walk from the station and we were in the centre of town. There are lots of well-preserved historic buildings. You could tell by the height of the access way to the rear of buildings that they were for coaches.

Once we’d been up the main street we retraced our footsteps and then turned up Castle Street. Can you guess where that street leads? 
Well done you are right, castle streets leads up to the castle. 

Unfortunately the castle itself wasn’t open, but we were able to explore the keep. We sat in the shade of one of the ancient walls to quench our thirst. 

Back down in the town we spotted a church, and taking a shortcut down an old alleyway .

we were soon wandering among some of the ancient and illegible grave stones. We were pleased to discover that the church was open. On such a hot day the interior was pleasantly cool and we wandered about reading memorial inscription of the many of plaques that adorned the walls. The font cover was very prettily decorated as was the partition wall behind it. 

We had crossed a small river on our way into town and thought it would be nice to have our lunch in the shade of the overhanging trees, and we did.
Fed and watered we followed the signs to The Maltings which is an arts centre that really is in a set of old malting buildings on the River Wey.
Look what we spotted swimming down the canal
 The monthly market was almost packed away. Hmm that’s a good reason to come back next month. 

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