Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 3 July 2013

tick that one off

Ask me if I’ve had a good day…
Go on ask me..
And yes I have had an excellent day.
Ask me why, go on ask me why.
Well if you insist I’ll tell you.

If you’re a regular reader you might know that I’m a nurse.
Truly I am New Zealand trained and where I worked until The Man and I arrived here in March 2010
Goodness me has it really been that long?
Yes it has.

OK, so what was it about my day I want to share.

Today I was something I’ve never seen before, and believe me I’ have seen  lot of interesting things in my life..

Young fellow, well I thought he was young, came into my office today. When I asked him what it was I could do for him, he looked a bit embarrassed as he replied,
Well he said, it’s like this I’ve found a little lump on my… well down here he said indicating his groin area.

No easy way to do this I said to him as I indicated the examination couch, let’s have a look.

I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t what I found.

Go on ask me what I found.
Go on ask.

Hold your horses and I’ll tell you.

Initially I wins’ sure what it was, that was until I used the magnifying lens and realised that it was a little beastie

I kid you not, it was a very well engorged insect 

I think the young chap was as surprised as I was.

I'd seen my very first tick.  
Nurses have  a perverse sens of satisfaction in things like this.
Well we don't get them in NZ

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