Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 13 July 2013

What a scorcher of a day here in London.
See for yourself

Such a pity that The Man spent it at work.
I know… I know it’s pretty unusual that.
Not only was he there today, he will be there again tomorrow.

I took the opportunity to spend some time at the Society of Genealogists Library. The Man is very patient when it comes to traipsing round with me when I go ‘granny hunting’, but let’s face it he does get a bit bored with it, often nodding off after a while.

So that is where I went after getting the washing done and popping around tot eh supermarket. 

I checked my planned route on TFL’s website (Transport for London) then hopped onto the next oveground, changing at Canada Water. Hmm well the Northern line, which is the one I wanted to take.

Unfortunately TFL’s website had got it wrong and the second train line, the Northern Line, was closed for planned engineering work
Never mind, with the help of a friendly station attendant I was soon on my way again on a number 43 Bus which stopped at Old street Station. The Library I was headed for is less Than ten minutes walk from there.
It was so very hot outside that I needed little encouragement to stop in at the local Buckys for a long cool drink.

Refreshed I walked around the corner to the library and was soon rolling through a microfilm of  Crowland (Croyland) in.Lincolnshire
And what did I find?

Well you are going to have to wait for tomorrows blog because I am going to settle down to a pleasant evening with The Man and watch David Attenborough’s Secret Life of Plants

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