Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 9 July 2013

tuesday musings...

It has been another sunny warm day today.
Goodness me that has to be some sort of record, five days in succession, long may it continue.

I had another great lunchtime walk again today
While The Man and I were watching a doco on the box when we saw what we thought were several fires out in the distance. Looking at the bright orange glow with the binoculars revealed it to be a fire alright. Not of an earthly variety though. What we were seeing was the setting sun reflected in far off windows. In no time at all the glow had faded the windows returned to their dull uninteresting state.

I wonder what is going on with the notebook I use in the mornings when I chat via Skype to anyone back home who is online at the same time I am.
First I wasn’t able to access Facebook at all, and yesterday and again today when I logged into FB, there was the page but it was picture-less. OK I thought must be something to do with the settings on the notebook. Well as my Mum would have said, “You know what thought thought don’t you?” I was wrong because when I started the notebook up this evening, at home, there were the pictures bold as you like. Oh well back to square one.

Hmmm not sure what is going on there

It was a hard day for my sister back home in New Zealand today. It is her birthday, and exactly six month since she lost her soulmate. I know she wasn’t looking forward to today. There are no words that will comfort her and that I  think is the hardest thing, for that is exactly what we want to do

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