Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Not a lot to say...

Earthquake Update.
We are pleased to be able to report that things seem to be settling down.

What a scorcher of a night.
Last night when we went to bed the temperature outside was the same as inside, a blistering 25 degrees.
It’s a  good thing we live on a bit of a hill which means that even on a still day there is a bit of a breeze. We slept with bedroom windows wide open.

Again the media have been agog with the newest royal. No there haven’t been any pictures yet. Reporters grasped at straws interviewing anybody who was even remotely connected to royalty. Even the queen’s ex press secretary.
For goodness sake leave them alone

On the way home we got talking to  couple of young men who were were obviously 7th Day Adventists on their ‘mission’. OK. It’s not my religion, but you have to give the young people credit for getting out there and doing it.
Two of our best mates in PNG belonged to their church, unfortunately we have lost touch with them.

Hmm I wonder…..

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