Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 11 July 2013

Thursday thoughts...

Yes it has been another sunny day, but first thing this morning we didn’t think it would be. .
It was very cloudy and cool when we left for work this today.
 Not only that the breeze that yesterday was s pleasantly warm today had somewhat of a chill to it.

Could it be the end of the warm weather? Possibly, because I think the schools break up for the summer sometime soon.

Last night was the final in series nine of my most very favouritest TV programmed, NCIS. And oh boy did it end with a cliff-hanger.

Will it be RIP Dr Mallard?
If it is then I am pleased it wasn’t an act of violence that took him off. 
But I have heard that the actor who plays him has been signed up for another two years. Roll on season ten

On a totally different tack...
You’d think wouldn’t you that when the authorities use a certain technique to try to catch paedophiles who use the internet that they would keep it under their hats?

Well that’s what I think anyway.

So why on earth would they broadcast to the world, well to the Londoners who read the morning paper at least. An article in this morning’s paper described how a Spanish developed ‘Negabot’ called Lolita. She,..or... at least it, poses as a 14 year old girl.

I ask you why would the authorities let that particular cat out of the bag

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