Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 27 July 2013

A visit to Crydon museum

OK so when we woke up this morning the weather was good enough for us to go with plan A, but with the forecast predicting rain early in the afternoon, so we shelved plan A for another day and were going to go with plan B.
I say were, because when I googled the directions the website said, well not actually said, but according to the website the place doesn’t reopen for another week.

Hmmm so plan C.
Unfortunately this morning I didn’t immediately have a plan C.
I know, I know, it isn’t like me not to have a contingency plan, but there you are…

Fear not, with a bit of help from Mr Google I soon had a plan.

There’s a suburb near us called Cryodon. Not the most salubrious place to go to, but hey it does have its own  museum and that was our destination The trains are out for ‘planned maintenance’ this weekend , but the buses were still running.
Golly gosh it was hot in the big red bus, good thing I had my fan with me,  yes, I do carry one, so do lots of us.

It didn’t take us long to find the museum, which is in the same building as the library. Over the main entrance was a series of carved murals. Interestingly the central figure in each one was a woman. 

The building was pretty flash and I think the council here must be an affluent one. We had a wander around the library and I spotted a sign that said they had an e library. Our local one at Crystal palace has greatly reduced hours so an e library might be a good alternative, so I joined.
The Man and I took out time in the small museum, which concentrated on local history. 

We sat in a mock-up of an Anderson shelter and listened to various audios of the time when they were in use.

By the time we came out the sky had darkened and traders the food market we walked through were busily packing up their wares in anticipation. Not before we bought some lovely black cherries and other fruits.
I can tell you there weren’t may cherries left by the time we got back to Crystal palace. And we made it inside without getting caught in the rain too

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