Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 14 July 2013

fifth day of the week is ended

Nope, no, nah, negatory, I am not going to do what I’ve done for the last few of them and mention the name of the day of the week.
But I am pleased it’s rolled around and is done with.

There were a lot of police around Canary Wharf  today, turns out protesters were expected, and turned up, and surprisingly did their thing and left without causing any problems.

Everything was over and done with by the time The man and I left to go back into the city.

We went out for drinkies with a group of The Man’s work mates to a pub in an interesting old building called the Cross keys.

After socialising for an hour or so we left in search of somewhere quiet to have a meal. Just as we were thinking that we weren’t going to find somewhere that wasn’t overflowing with suits we came across a quiet little pub tuck away down a side street. Even better wa that they were offering a meal for two for the price of a meal for one.
We had a very nice meal before walking back to London Bridge Station to catch the train back to Crystal Palace.

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