Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 1 August 2013

Hot day today...

Today, well yesterday actually in New Zealand, one of our daughters had a birthday.

So, Happy Birthday daughter.

She’s not long started a new job, and to surprise her, her husband popped into where she was working bringing with him morning tea.
Wait a bit don’t say ‘Awww’ just yet.

Daughter’s boss was there so after the introductions were made the boss asked where my daughters flowers were.

Whereupon he produced from inside his jacket a single wrapped red rose.

Now you can say it.
Altogether now

I think today has been one of the hottest in the year. Very hot and sticky
With so much concrete and glass around even the breeze was hot.

The train was so chocka that the air con was barely coping and we didn’t’ feel the effects of it until three quarters of the other passengers had gotten off. Unfortunately after that we only had two more stops to go.

The bus was much worse, no air con n there at all. I am so pleased that I carry a fan in my bag for just this sort of temperature

We’ll be sleeping with all the window open tonight that’s for sure.

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