Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 12 July 2013

Friday evening walk around Canary Wharf

Yup it certainly is another Friday.

And it was pretty nice out there this afternoon. So I guess it must be extending the record to seven days. 

Both The Man and I had good days, made even better by the fact that I is Friday YAY.

The Man and I did as we generally do on Fridays after work, we went for coffee. Well Frappuccino actually. Starbucks do a very yummy double caramel. Mmmmm. 

Refreshed, it was time for a quiet stroll around The Wharf, taking the circuitous route to the tube station

We spotted a couple of tall masts and went to investigate.
And what did we find.
See for yourself.

Very nice too. You may not be able to see it in the picture, but the bow and stern decorations were dragons.

Further around we came across a group who were standing out in the water on what looked like surfboards. Pretty good balance don’t you think?

A group of these board riders got into a group and slowly began to do what looked like Pilates or yoga.
Looked a bit too strenuous for Him and Me so we decided not to join them.

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