Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 31 January 2013

Time passages...

Goodness me don’t you think that the whole month of January has skootled past in a huge hurry? 

It’s an interesting looking date today 31/1/13. 

There has to be a name for that kind of number formation. I like it whatever it is called. Do you?

Another comparatively warm day today, at almost ten degrees this morning at 0700. There was a touch of rain, but not much.

Back home in NZ its already tomorrow, still having trouble coming to grips with the altered time frame, and a very special day in the household of one of our family members. Our second to youngest granddaughter is five. 

Hang on a mo, there are other big birthdays this year too. Oldest daughter has just turned 45! Wow does that make me feel old.

Two of our other granddaughters and a grandson will turn 10 this year.

And my aunt, my mother’s sister, will be 100.  

How’s that for big milestones!

And yes I really did enjoy that first episode of NCIS. It’s taken almost this long, that is the three years we have been here to catch up with where it left off when we left NZ in 2010.
I enjoy the interplay of the characters, and the twists and turns of the plots. As in previous series it looks like there will be an on-going story line running through.

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