Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 23 January 2013

a bit more old soap...

Not a lot to talk about today, so I will just burble on about the same thing as yesterday. And what was that?

Why a trip down memory lane of course.
So the soap commercials reminded me about the radio programmes that were associated with them.

The phrase persil washes whiter echoing off into the distance was the sponsorship add for Portia Face Life. Portia was , if memory serves, a lawyer who fought for the little people. 

Courtesy of my asthma I got ot spend a lot of time at home sick, and the radio was good company for  bored kid.
Then there was Doctor Paul.

And Aunt Daisy, good old Daisy Basham with her ‘Good morning everybody, good morning, good morning’ was her very recognisable welcoming greeting. She was a very early mid-morning radio host offering hints and recipes as well as interviews with subjects to interest her female listeners. Several books were published of collections of recipes and hints. I’ve got one tucked away in a box somewhere back in NZ.

Good old fashioned start from scratch, nutritious, and filling recipes for all kinds of food. Pickles and chutneys, preserves, cakes and biscuits, pudding, mains, bread and just about every kind of dish you could imagine. 

I remember once trying to take down a recipe from the radio and not being able to write terribly well drew pictures of the ingredients. Probably not accurate enough to produce a finished product.

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