Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Marriges and deaths...

Nice to get a quick response from the SFH. Not good news, but not really bad either. I sent inquiries about three marriages and also the burial of my three times great grandfather. 
No trace of the burial, but that may just mean that he was buried in in a cemetery that hasn’t been transcribed yet, or possibly a Non-Conformist cemetery. At least I have narrowed the search a bit. 

The marriages might prove more productive. One was in 1838, which is after civil registration, but again the marriage could have been a non-conformist one. The other two marriages I am interested will be checked at the local registry office for a very small fee. Courtesy of the researcher from another site that I sent an enquiry to, I now know the birthplace of another line I am following, very close to where the family am search are. 

Time will tell, I’ll keep you posted.

It was a normal start for two particular London families this morning. A morning that turned to tragedy, when in the fog a helicopter flew into a crane and came crashing down into the rush of a busy morning’s commuter crowd.
The very experienced chopper pilot and a person on the ground were killed, and others injured. Probably very lucky that there were not more fatalists. Even so for two families life will never be the same again.

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