Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 24 January 2013

Short and sweet tonight.

Stayed at work a bit later than normal doing some typing for The Man.
Then caught the oveground from Canary Wharf like we usually do.
Oh-oh. Train stops at Surry Quays for a long time, driver announces ‘sorry folks we are being held up, might be while’ 

Then about ten minutes later driver announces ‘I’m sorry but this train will terminate here, and all southbound trains are not running until further notice due to a person under a train. It gets me how folks can grumble about being tad late home when someone may not be getting home at all. 

But we didn’t have to wait long at all before there was an announcement that there would be another train along very soon and our train would be the one after that.

All that palaver mean that we walked in our front door abut two hours later than usual.

Good thing I have some really easy meals in the freezer.

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