Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 26 January 2013

Went to Southwark Cathedral...

The weather man couldn’t have been more wrong. It was supposed to be a nasty day, but it was the exact opposite. So I hauled The Man out of bed and we headed into the city. We hadn’t been to Southwark Cathedral so that was our destination. Easy to get to by train from Crystal Palace Station to London Bridge then a short walk to the cathedral.
Situated on a very historic site, where it is believed that a church has beente for more than 1000 years.

There was a Roman villa there prior to that. Some of its pavement been incorporated into the floor. In 1977 a well was discovered beneath the choir, it contained a pagan statue believed to have been put there in the fourth century.

It is a lovely building, and houses the grave of William Shakespeare’s brother among other magnificent tombs. There are many beautiful stained glass windows, the latest installed only last year.
According to my guide book the WWII experience was pretty close by, and it was. But it was also closed. Undeterred we wandered on, following the signs to the Thames Walkway.

Past old warehouses now restored as trendy shops with very expensive apartments above.

We walked on past a slightly more modern block with a pretty pond in its enclosed garden. It’s been so cold lately that the large pond in the garden was frozen over.

Hungry by now we spotted a cutesy pub nearby called The Angel, and had our pub-grub in their upstairs lounge overlooking the Thames. Boy were our mouths watering, not because of the food, but because of the little flotilla of beautiful super yachts that sailed past on their way back to St Katherine’s dock from t boat show. The food was good and so was the company.

The map showed that we were within easy walking distance of Surry Quays, where we knew we could catch the overground train back to Crystal Palace. And we did, arriving just a couple of mantes after we got onto the platform, and with absolutely impeccable timing we had hardly gotten off the train at Annerly when the Bus up to Crystal palace arrived, and we walked back in our front door very shortly afterwards.
A very nice day out.

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