Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 21 January 2013

Snow and soap boxes

Snow news is good news, possibly not, well not for everyone

Our regular train was not at all regular this morning, in fact it was 20 minutes late. This train usually runs on the quarter hour so t wasn’t just our train that was delayed. And all because of a little bit of snow. It’s not as if snow is a surprise either. Well it is winter isn’t it. And more of the white stuff is supposed to fall tonight. Oh goodey.

The Man and I are watching programme about how we are being deceived by supermarket offers. Advertising reduced special offers, which when you really looked at them weren’t actually. Many had been at that reduced price for more than a month or two.

It really is a case of buyer beware, many of the so called special offers can be more expensive than you think. On of the deals at our local supermarket is ‘buy three for £10’  a bit deceptive if you really check the individual price per kg or pound it really isn’t cheaper at all.

You really have to be careful when you select these offers and compae one supermarket against another.

The packaging gets me as well; I’ve always wondered why cucumbers needed to be shrink wrapped. It is amazing how much plastic packaging we throw out. There is only The Man and me and we have to empty our recycle box more than once a week. There is very little in the supermarket these days that isn’t wrapped, boxed or encased in some sort of packaging

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