Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 13 January 2013

Not going out...again

 Another very chilly day, temperature only just getting to three degrees, so plan today was the same as yesterday…not going out. Well only a quick walk to Sainsbury supermarket, yesterday it was to Iceland. Iceland have predominantly frozen foods and some of their pre-prepared meals are pretty good.
Was nice to have a bit of a sleep in too cos last night we were Skyping with the kids back home and went to bed very late.
I spent some of the day…well quite a lot of it actually on the family tree. Did I get anywhere? I’m not really sure if I did or not. Why, well here is the story.

The Man and I are planning a trip ay Easter to Suffolk to go to a little country village called Wilby. So, I really to have to get a move on to review and consolidate what I know about the ancestors from there.
I checked an 1841 census and saw something that I hadn’t noticed before. And what was that?

Well below the last entry for the family I’m researching  is another entry, that of a two year old with a totally different last name.

I sent an enquiry to a very helpful site, Genes Reunited, and with members help now might have a sibling for my three times paternal great grandfather. Only might, so there is still a lot more homework to be done

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