Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 15 January 2013

A bit of a ramble

How frustrating is that, well a lot actually. There I was all set to order 3 times great granddaddy’s birth certificate. Logged on to the RGO site, debit card in hand and details entered correctly and…

No go, cannot order certificates before 1837, what the word b*&£$. Nor can I order the certificate of his sister either. Same problem. Hmm so on to the Suffolk Family History website to request a lookup. So now wait and see.  With only weeks to try to sort out where I want to visit in Suffolk to granny hunt I am getting a bit twitchy. 

No snow today, but it was very chilly. We warmed up this morning on our brisk walk down to the station. Trains all ran on time today too.

We’ve been listening and watching the so called breaking news of Lance Armstrong admitting to using drugs to enhance his cycling performance.

 On no less an American show than Oprah Winfrey. Funny that I thought she had retired form telly. Typical American hype, the media have been chasing him for such a long time, you’d think that there was nothing else for them to focus on.
Sounds like grubby journalism to me.

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