Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 6 January 2013

Things that make you go Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Twelve day after Christmas and all the dekkies are safely stashed away. Mum always used to say that they had to be down today. Simply put it is bad luck not to. I have no idea why, but I’m not one to take chances.
I thought it was a pretty dull day before I looked through the bedroom curtain. And I was right. Fog, fog and more fog, and it has hung around all day. So no nice view from the window. I dare say a few travel plans will have been disrupted. 

Does anything make you go grrrrrrrrrrrrrr?
Dropped consonants make me cringe. What do I mean?
Well wa’s wrong wif this senence?
Ain’ nuffink wrong wif i’ is vere?
You have to say it as it is written to get the idea.
We hear such poor grammar and not just from kids either. I don’t know if it’s just that we are here in London, but if an adult spoke like that back in NZ I think they would be looked at rather oddly. What do you think?

We heard today about the neighbour of one of The Man’s friends. She was woken in the see small hours of the morning by a noise and there in her bedroom were a couple of burglars. She did the right thing and screamed and they scarpered. They’d broken in through a window. Initially it was thought that they had gotten away with her TV and car keys as well as her phones and TV remotes. After the police had been, no fingerprints were found, the car keys were located abandoned in the garden as was the TV.

It is awful to have your home invaded like that; I am so pleased that we live on an upper floor. 

Years ago, back in NZ, I remember coming home for lunch one day and discovering that our back door had been kicked in. with my heart pounding I explored the house hoping that here was no one in there.  It made me feel really sick in my stomach. We had been burgled by the druggies who lived next door. They’d used a large rug from our bed to carry away our TV, clothing, and a bit of jewellery. Never saw any of it again. 

The difference between there and here in the UK is that if you make an insurance claim here it increases your premiums as well as long your no claims status. It is no wonder that a lot of folks choose not to claim. Well the way the insurance companies make money is by people NOT claiming.

One of the young lads who works with The Man contacted his insurance company to find out if it was worth making a claim for the damage to his wing mirror caused by another vehicle. He decided not to make a claim but the insurance upped his premiums anyway. How wrong is that!
There really is a ‘Rip off Britain’ mentality here.

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