Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 1 February 2013

Homewards bound

Reasonable day at work, but now The Man and I have a whole two days to ourselves, and we’re still trying to decide what direction to go in. so many choices. 

Left work a tad late and headed to Canary Wharf tube station. Once we stepped onto the escalator we realised that we weren’t going far.
Why not?

Well, see for yourself.

The people-jam at the gates was pretty big, and we could see that we were not going anywhere by train anytime soon.
When there is too much of a crush on the platform, which is another level down, the gates are shut firmly. 

Chap next to me on the escalator said to his mate, ‘Well I’m off to the pub.’ So the man and turned right at the bottom and went into the mall where there is a nice comfy Starbucks.

Two vanilla spice latte accompanied by carrot cake to munch on while we people watched to pass the time. What better way to while it away?

By the time we had finished our munchies and emptied our cups the crush at the top level had cleared, but down on the platform itself it was another matter. The queues for the train were pretty long and it took three trains for us to be able to board.

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