Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 20 January 2013

Staying indoors...

We were prepared to get stuck in Southampton last night, but as no more snow fell we got to sleep in our own bed.
The panto was great, Oh yes it was.
Brilliant 3D effects for the giants castle and Jacks encounter with the giant. Creepy scary bugs gnashed their teeth and waved their claws at us. Much to the kids, and our delight. We loved every minute of it. After the performance our wait at the stage door was rewarded when Julian Clarey himself came out.
We were lucky to in just getting to the bus oops sorry coach station in time to catch the 1630 back to London.
All in all a great day out.

Today was a different story though. We had a nice sleep in, when we did get up and look out the window it was evident that there had been more snow overnight. Foxy footprints wound around the back garden and chaffinches squabbled in the trees. 

I did think we might go for a walk to the park after lunch, but the snow just kept on falling, not that the temperature dropped much below zero degrees. A brief walk to the supermarket and back was enough to convince us that we should stay indoors. Which we did.

The snow has continued to fall all afternoon, if it keeps up the trains might not be running in the morning. 
Crystal Palace Station yesterday

The Man had a nice quiet read on the couch with the occasional nod while I had a play on the putor.
Out our window thus morning. It looks foggy because the snow is still falling

I did think I had found the parents of my three times great grandfather. But the John and Martha who I thought were the right couple turned out not to be. Ah well, never mind.
The afternoon was a productive. Two casseroles bubbling on the stove will be a very warming tea tonight and very very welcome easy meals during the week.   

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