Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Monochromatic day...

So it was back to work for The Man and me today, and by the numbers on the trains a lot of folks are still on leave.  

Didn’t see too many clients today either, which meant that I was able to get on with tidying up more of those darn files.

I went for a walk at lunch time as I often do. Had to take the library books back too.  

It was very overcast and a bit damp which made the scarlet of the cyclamen even more of a contrast. I used to call this kind of day a ‘black and white day’
It made me think of the beginning of the movie Schindlers List. It begin as a black and white movie with a little girl in a  red coat, the only splash of colour. What dramatic start to a movie.  

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