Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 18 January 2013

a touch of the white stuff

An update on The Man’s visa. Received a letter yesterday inducting him to go to a post office and have his biometrics done and have his photograph taken. Biometrics is just a fancy word for having his fingerprints taken. I wonder why they don’t just call it that. So off he went this morning as instructed.  Now we’re playing the waiting game again.

At work this morning I looked out the window and thought, Gee that looks a bit foggy out there, what it really was snow. And about time too. 

It is amazing how in a country that expects to get snow, has media who report on it as if it was unusual. The train services even shut down some of the train lines in anticipation for trouble, and did they get it? No they did not.
Admittedly in some parts of the country there are many centimeters of snow and traffic is disrupted, but London is still on the move. 

Tomorrow might be a different story though.

The Man and I are off to Southampton to see a…. oops. Almost let the cat out of the bag. You’ll just have to wait and see what were are going to see.  

Anyway for the moment have a look at these pictures.  
Just beautiful reflections yesteryear at Canary Wharf

Saw these  this evening while we were waiting for the bus up to Crystal Palace

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