Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 17 January 2013

Horsing around?

Eaten any good burgers lately?
Good question, especially if you bought some ready to cook ones from the locals supermarket.
Why so? Do I hear you ask why so?

Well I’ll tell you. Somehow some horsemeat has found its way into the mix. Brings reality to the food industry, well when you are really starving what do you say, I could eat a horse

In the words of that funny poetess, Pam Ayes.
To get the full effect, remember to do the accent now say after me…

They have eaten poor old Dobbin,
who was grazing by the sea.
They put him in a Tesco burger,
Buy one get one free.

I heard that a couple of people had been taken to hospital aft eating the said horse meat. They have improved as the last report said that they were now stable. Sorry, The Man brought that one home.
Tesco’s is a very well know supermarket chain. With its motto of ‘every little but helps’

It has spawned a whole range of articles. One in tonight’s paper compares the taste of a range of exotic meats from horse to buffalo, zebra to crocodile and even camel. Which one got the reporters thumbs up as the tastiest. Camel
Yes I was surprised too. 

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