Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 14 January 2013

Snow...what snow?

All together now (to the tune of Food glorious food)

Snow glorious snow,
Transport is disrupted.
Snow glorious snow,
My trip’s interrupted.

Yes, you guessed it, well you probably did.

That there was a teeny bit of snow on the lines this morning, train was late and when it did arrive it sat at the station for ages. And at the next couple of stations too. I usually get to Canary Wharf at about 0725, this morning I was much later, not getting to my usual Buckys until 0735. Hardly had I got my coffee and turned on the putor when I get a phone call from receptionist saying she doesn’t feel well. Oh well I did manage to check the emails and Facebook before logging off and heading across the road to work. 

Not much snow on the ground at the Wharf, just shows that there is still retained heat in the ground. 

A client showed me an interesting website today called Metcheck.  It not only shows you what the actual temperature is, but what that temperature feels like. You Know how it is when you go outside and say to your friend Ooo it feels colder than that. Well this site tell you how cold it really feels. 

Go on give it a go, you know you want to.

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