Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 7 January 2013

Rip of Britian...

It was snowing at Canary Wharf this morning. Nah, not the real stuff, well it was real, it’s just that the origin of it was from a snow making machine rather than from the sky.   I have no ideas why it’s there, but there was a swing set there this morning with snow being blown from a pipe on the top of it. I think those folks taking a swing on would get a wet sit down upon. 

Still no news on The Man’s visa application. It’s been about 6 weeks now. 

There was an article in a local paper the other day about a private investigation company employed by the Border Agency. They were employed to hunt down over stayers. Only trouble is the letters they sent to the so called overstayers who had according to the private agency been illegally in the country for the last four years, had actually gone home more than four years ago. The article didn’t say if the letters were addressed to them in their home country or not. 

Talk about rip off Britain, were watching a programme about insurance rip offs. One of the things it revealed was that if the accident was not the claimants fault then the claimant’s insurance company would inflate the cost of the repairs to get more money.Conversely if it was the claimants fault, the insurance companies would try to drive down the costs. Doing this by charging out labour costs at different rates depending on whether they were at fault or not.
The insurance companies are also getting rebates on paint, parts and add on deals. Not only that, the repairers are forced to use specified suppliers and having to buy specified quantities of paint.
Sounds like price fixing to me.

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