Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 4 January 2013

Soap box time...

So what’s in the news today?
 An English couple with a disabled daughter says they are forced to travel for England to New Zealand once a month and stay for at least a day  so that the daughter can continue to receive the daughters ACC payments, of £1000 per week (Accident Compensation Corporation)
The mother says they have made the trip eleven times and will continue to do so “until the authorities back down.”  

Incidentally the woman is the mother of six, yes six children, three older and two younger, and both parents make the round trip with their disabled daughter leaving the rest of the family under the care of the oldest who is 21. The paper also says that the trip   often involves a journey time of up to 40 hours to get out there. 

 The girl is now aged 14 was born in NZ and her family decided to move back to England in 2010. 

 Now let me get this straight. 

Mum who is the full time carer of her daughter went on to have two more children. 

The trip out to NZ by plane takes 25 hours flying time not 40.

And unless they’re travelling business class I doubt it wold cost them almost the whole of the months allowance of £4000 to make the return journey.

I say I doubt that they travel business class because the report also includes this statement 'We have to have Paige lying across our laps because she is not able to sit upright.

Call me a skeptic if you like, go on call me one, but the parents returned to England knowing that ACC payments would not continue, now they want to change the rules. Yes it is sad that the daughter is disabled, but why should they get preferential treatment when others do not.
And not only that in my opinion the disabled daughter would get much better care back in NZ than here in the UK.

So there!

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