Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 1 January 2013

A walk in Penge

The Man and I stayed up to see out the old year and welcome in the new. Last year the whole area lit up with fireworks for at least 15 - 20 minutes on either side of the witching hour. This year the fireworks were much much less, a reflection I guess on how much disposable income people have, or should I say don't have. 

Here in the UK we  only get New Year’s Day off, a bank holiday, rather than the two days public holiday back in NZ. There are fewer UK bank holidays than NZ public holidays, but then we do get a bit more annual leave.   

After rising late The Man worked his usual magic in the kitchen and did bacon and eggs for brekky, and very yummy it was too, though I have to say neither of us cook tasty mushrooms. Seems no matter how we do them they are not as tasty as the ones we’ve had in restaurants.

It was much too nice a day to stay in, so we didn't. we did a bit of local exploring, but didn't stay out much after three as it was getting chilly again.

From our lounge window on the third floor we’ve wondered where some of the tall building are so today we set out to find out. 

Turns out we have been that way before, but there are some old buildings there with lovely crests on them. And there is a touching memorial, in the form of what looks like and almshouse,  to the Freemen and apprentices of the   Watermen Company who made the ‘supreme sacrifice’

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