Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 25 January 2013

Great friday...


I really love my job, honestly I really really do.

So what has been so good about my day?

Picture this. 

Chappie comes into my treatment room today with a sore foot.  Seems that a couple of weeks ago, yes weeks ago, he got a splinter in the sole of his foot while walking across a wooden floor. Said that he thought he had got it out at the time. 

Can you see where I am going with this… read on…

His foot was obviously infected with a nice juicy wound that looked ready to be dealt to.

Small scalpel in hand and gloves on I gently took to the offending area. I pared back the callus formation over his original wound and very quickly out popped a huge splinter all of 20mm long.

 He was gobsmacked that it was such a huge one and immediately  demanded that I put it into something so that he could show his mates how brave he was putting up with that in his foot.
After cleaning the wound up and putting a small dressing on it my client went off a very happy chappie. Leaving one very satisfied nurse to get back on with her day.

1 comment:

  1. i can picture you mummy dearest almost rubbing your hands with glee in anticipation of ooey gooey stuff, hope you had fun :-)
